Spring Sprouts

Our first sprout! Is there anything that spells Spring more than that? This is our first year attempting to grow vegetables on our patio and we were both pretty excited to see this little guy. It's the first indication that all of Mike's research and planning just might work and we could have fresh homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce and herbs at our fingertips this summer. Mmm!

Perhaps it was the wee tomato sprout, riding our bikes again, or the warm breeze coming in our open windows, but there was definitely a spring in both of our steps this past weekend. We are both feeling almost overwhelmingly motivated and creative. Over lunch yesterday, Mike said to me, "I have this need to accomplish more." I couldn't have said it better myself. My head is constantly spinning with all the things I want to make. The fruits of which, I hope you should start to see very soon.

Now, as I start another work week, I find myself once again sincerely wishing I could devote entire days in the pursuit of this happy craftiness. It's important to dream.

E xo

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