The Collectors

I noticed recently that all of the purchases Mikey and I have been making lately have had a common theme. Be it new craft supplies, vintage glassware or wine, we are making bulk purchases — instant collections, if you will. Perhaps this is a result of my new business mindset to buy in bulk or the fever that comes with the rare opportunity of having a vehicle at our disposal. All I know is that there's something in these piles and stacks that is strangely comforting. I hope this isn't the first signs of a hoarder in the making.

I'm also slowing accumulating vintage plates around a common theme. I have yet to decide where I will be displaying them though, so you will have to wait for the big reveal of that particular collection.

1 comment

De Facto Redhead said...

I am honestly addicted to YOUR collections as well as my own - I'm looking for things for you everywhere I go!!