Show time

The day has come for my very first craft fair! Ahhh! It's pretty nerve-wracking, to say the least. On top of worrying about all the tiny details, there's also the underlying anxiety over putting myself and my work out there, open for judgment. On the other hand, I'm super excited to interact with customers and meet the other amazing vendors at the show! You can read up on all the vendors here and here.

At the Dear Edna table you can expect all the usual favourites as well as the cute vintage totes I made for Sweet Trash last year and brand-spankin' new aprons, totes, tea cosies and pillows! Mike and I played around with a few different display options last night and took the shots above as a little sneak peak for you. Are you intrigued? Haha! I hope so.

If you're in the Hamilton area this weekend, please stop by the fair and say hello. The more friendly faces, the better!


Jill said...

Best of luck, Erin - hope sales are brisk!!

foodmathquilts said...

Thanks for the post! I was just checking my blogs to make sure the fair wasn't cancelled. Somehow I'd missed the start time! Good luck and see you there.