PNW Part One: Vancouver & Victoria

Sorry for the lull there, folks. After returning from vacation, I've had an unending list of events keeping me busy, including throwing a house party, being a dutiful bridesmaid and preparing for the quickly approaching craft fair. It's been a little crazy, but with two of the three behind me, I can give my business some undivided attention. The shop is officially open again and I'm working day and night making a pile of fresh new designs. I hope to share some sneak peaks next week, but I'm not making any promises. Before I get back to my workroom, here's a quick look at some of the highlights from our trip (in two parts).


Kayla said...

Amazing pictures! love the lego whale.

Erin said...

Thanks Kayla! It was a great trip! That lego whale was designed by Douglas Coupland.

CrystaL* said...

What beautiful photos! It looks like you had amazing time. I can't wait to get my butt out west but it looks like I will be there in winter and not summer. Either way it is stunning.
I hope you are enjoying a little down time in between your adventures.
Much Love,