Saying Goodbye

A Dear Edna classic, this black and white tote is what started it all. It was my very first listing, my first sale, heck it's even my branding! This little bag is what put me on the Etsy radar and taught me how to grow a business — forcing me to move beyond stencilling paper doilies at my dining room table to building a proper workroom and learning to screenprint. It's been made in too many colours to count and inspired custom products from yoga bags to throw pillows. In tears of happiness and frustration, we've been through a lot together.

That's why it's very difficult for me to say goodbye. After four years, the time has come to put this design to bed. I have a few pre-printed totes hanging around that are now up for sale in my Etsy shop. I also have several navy totes left that can still be customized with the monogram of your choice. But after those sell, that will be it. Discontinued.

I really enjoyed screenprinting, but I feel like what I want to do with it is limited by my space. So I'm packing up my paint with the hopes that I can unpack it again in the not-too-distant future. You know, when we move to a beautiful new house with a huge sunlit studio in the backyard. Heh. Until then, indulge my sentimentality for a moment with a few photos, reminiscing on the end of a beginning.

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