8 Picks from Hamilton Makers

Hamilton is one talented city, I'll tell you. Here's proof: eight beautiful gifts from eight very different Hamilton makers. I'd be thrilled to receive any one of these, wouldn't you? You really have no excuse... buy local!

1. Black-Capped Chickadee for New Brunswick by Crownland / 2. Splatter Tee by Replicca Clothing
3. Arrow Print Pouch  by Natalie Eldershaw / 4. Crosstitched Snowflake Mittens  by Things By SLO
5. Bees Wax Candle by Wicked Candles Canada / 6. Pull Down Educational Chart by Gritty City Goods
7. Headbands by Goodnight, Day (photo via White Elephant) / 8. Polar Whiskey Stones by Polar Stones

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