Birthday Bow

Monday was Mikey J's birthday and look what I made him — a bow for my beau! Heehee! Doesn't he look dapper? I've noticed him looking at bow ties a lot recently but knew he was wary of dropping the dough for a trend he wasn't too confident about sporting, so I figured I'd give it a go with some of my scraps. I found this free pattern on BurdaStyle that seemed simple enough and, after a few attempts and adjustments, came out with this. I had to revise the pattern a little because I didn't have the sliders required in order to make it adjustable and the pattern seemed small, so I made the pieces a couple inches longer and just sewed them together at the back. It's a couple inches too long now (blerg!), so I may hunt down some of those sliders after all. But all in all I'm pretty proud of the overall look, my new bow-tying skills, and my ability to keep all that sewing a secret. Happy Birthday Mike! xo

1 comment

mikey j said...

You really did master all things bow tie for this one. I got a bow tie, a bow tier and a bow tie tailor.

Now all I need is a shirt I can do up the top button on.

Thanks Edna!