One Gift from Me to You

Thanks for bearing with me through these 12 days of Christmas. I honestly can't believe I reached number one in time! So, my gift to you is the gift of music! Here are 100 of my favourite Christmas songs in one convenient playlist for to download and listen to on Christmas day! Click on the link below, save, unzip and enjoy! It's 450 mb, so be prepared for a short wait, but it's worth it. There are some golden oldies, but there are also guaranteed to be some that you have never heard before. Let me know what you think and anything you recommend I add to my list for next year. [Sorry, folks. You snooze you lose. This is no longer availabe for download.]

Thank you so much for a fantastic year and I look forward to everything to come in the new year... after a much deserved break, of course. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2011!

Love, Edna xo

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