Dear Edna Turns Five


Five years ago today, I posted my first apron for sale on Etsy! That can't be right, can it? Let me check again...

Yep. 2010. Five years! I was shocked that I lasted three months, so this seems like a pretty monumental milestone. This little business literally changed my life and it wouldn't be possible without the support and encouragement from all of you, my customers, blog readers, crafty community, friends and family. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

For the last couple weeks, I've been mulling over how to best celebrate and was coming up with nothing. Honestly, I was on the verge of letting the day pass by unannounced. But then the most perfect thing just happened. I had to cut some extra length off a new product I'm working on (hint hint) and the leftover piece divided perfectly into five. Kismet.

So... to thank you all for five fabulous years of business, I'm giving away five special anniversary-edition trivets!

I had some serious fun with this, quilting each one with a unique pattern. And at 8x10", they 're the perfect size for whatever you need them to be. Big coaster, small placemat, pot holder, whatever you like. I think I might have to make another one for myself, actually.

Here are the details. There will be five winners, each receiving one trivet. All you need to do to enter is sign up for my email newsletter. You'll also receive a 10% discount code on sign-up. The gifts just keep on giving, right? Anyone already signed up for my newsletter is automatically entered.

You can score a second entry by sharing the contest on facebooktwitter, or instagram with the hashtag #dearedna.

The contest will be open for 5 days (gotta keep with the theme). I'll announce the winners on Friday morning.

Good luck!

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