12 Christmas Tracks

In recent years, I've found myself complaining about how I can't get into the Christmas spirit. I blame global warming — to this Canadian girl, it's just not Christmas without snow. It was 12 degrees today, for goodness sake! Don't pretend you don't like a fluffy white wonderland too. Whatever the weather, it is still the first week of December, so I figured I better get proactive about things before my favourite holiday is over and done. So today I painted my fingernails candy cane red while I put together a playlist of new-to-me Christmas tunes. I've got to say, I'm feeling pretty jolly now. Hopefully it will do the trick for you too. Extra points if you pour yourself an eggnog and shop online while you listen. Tis the season for multitasking, after all. Haha! Enjoy!

I am still looking for guest bloggers to help with the series. Please email me at dearednashop[at]gmail[dot]com if you're interested in contributing.

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