Slow Living

Here's a little peak at what I've been up to since the holidays. In a nutshell, it's been a glorious example of slow living. When I wasn't sleeping, I was snacking, reading, and crafting to my heart's content. I wish it could last forever, but of course, all of this is about to change as I gear up for the One of a Kind Show. At least I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted and know that I am jumping into this new adventure fully rested and re-energized!

I bought my resident chocoholic a set of three Mast Brothers bars for Christmas and we were thrilled to discover that the chocolate was as beautiful as the packaging. They were incredibly delicious. We wanted to make them last, but who were we kidding, they were gone within the week and Mikey J is already planning another order.

Tis' the season to get out the woolies, and thus I've started to crochet yet another baby afghan. As a lover of taupe, green and cream, I was drawn to this variegated yarn in the store and didn't realize until I got home that it's basically camo. Haha! It'll suit a boy, I suppose.

A friend of mine recently commented that she didn't see me as a graphic novel type, which is funny because I love them! Mikey J came home with the second volume of Fables  recently and it was immediately consumed over two evenings. So good!

I think I mentioned before that I've been trying to get into looseleaf tea and I've been enjoying experimenting with various blends from David's Tea, Ceylon Tea Bush, and Steeped. Would you like me to share my favourites when I'm done?

We treated ourselves to a new TV with our Christmas money this year and many, many hours were spent obsessively configuring it to Mikey J's standards (as seen here). We watched quite a few movies in the process and have nearly seen all of the Oscar noms now.

Of course I couldn't escape from sewing completely. A few orders trickled in after the holidays, and I jumped at the chance just so I could test some of the new sewing tools I received in my stocking, like this handy dandy Nancy Zieman seam guide. Woo!

1 comment

Kayla said...

Love Fables! I feel in love with a few years ago when it first started.