New Hire

I'm pleased to introduce you to the newest member of the Dear Edna team, Judy. This year didn't go completely as planned (do they ever?), so I wasn't able to hire an employee like I would've liked, but Judy here is a nice compromise. Baby steps. If she saves me having to pin fabric to my bra straps in the bathroom mirror, she's a worthy investment. Haha!

For the sewers in the room, she's a Singer DF150. I've only used her as a display mannequin so far, and the hard shell definitely takes getting used to, but I'm pleased with the pinnable fabric and how easy it is to adjust. I'll give you a full review once we work together a little more.

I hope Ronny and Liz (the felt bird and lemon tree also occupying my office) make her feel at home. Oh dear, I need to get out more. Please tell me I'm not the only one who names inanimate objects around the house.

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