Save the Date

How many of you were wondering if Mike and I secretly eloped without telling you? Yes, it's been over a year since our engagement, but we're busy folks and we don't like to be rushed, OK? One thing after another just seemed to make it the wrong time to be planning a wedding. First there was the kitchen renovation and then I was gearing up my biz for Christmas and the One of a Kind Show. We also decided pretty early on that we were keen for a spring wedding, which would involve a planning period of just a few months and I wasn't too keen on that. 2014 it is. With the year suddenly free, that's the moment we decided to go to Europe. Haha! We also made a pact to set our date and secure all of the major vendors before we leave. Turns out we work well on deadline. The guest list is still giving me anxiety hives, but we've managed to book the venue, caterer, photographer, and DJ and set the date — June 21st, 2014 — the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Everything fell into place so perfectly; it's shaping up to be as intimate, romantic, fun, and uniquely "us" as we had envisioned; and we're pretty darn excited about it! I don't want to reveal too much and spoil the fun surprises for our guests, but here are a few of the photos that have been inspiring me as we plan.

Finally, if you want to see an absolutely stunning wedding, take a look at the photos from this wedding in New Zealand. Absolutely breathtaking. Is it too late to reconsider the destination wedding idea?

I've been collecting all of my wedding inspiration over on Pinterest, so if you like what you see, head on over and follow me there.

Images via: Lisa Hedge, Irrelephant Blog, Eva JulietEtsy Blog, Style Me Pretty, LeanimalABJglassworksBooking BooksWedding Chicks,  Etsy BlogKitka, Green Wedding ShoesGreen Wedding Shoes


Caroline P said...

Whew! We've settled on May 31, glad there's no conflict for anyone. I hear you on the stress of planning a wedding, it's enough to make you not want to do have one!

De Facto Redhead said...

These pictures are such a tease! They make me so excited for the real day!