My Creative Resolutions for 2012

Photo via HappyDeliveries

February. Huh. I wonder how many people have defaulted on their new year's resolutions already. One way to avoid that? Don't make any until the first week of February! Ha! Another way is to not make any at all. But, I actually quite enjoy the process. I tend to overwhelm myself with all the things I want to do and setting goals really helps me focus that bit of crazy in me. This year, I'm going to push that focus just a little further by sticking to only creative goals that can realistically be accomplished in the span of one year. For example, fitness and nutrition are off limits. Sound good? Well, let's get started then.

Photos via Sew4Home and Freshly Pieced.
Last year I made a vow to make more for me rather than just my business and learned how to crochet and cross-stitch as a result. I am so proud of the things I made and my stubbornness to make time for them and hope to keep that crafty momentum rolling this year. However, I'd also like to learn a new skill.... quilting. My grandmother was a talented quilter, so I've wanted to learn for many years, if not my entire lifetime. Mike bought me a great sewing book for Christmas that illustrates all the steps really well and I have some patterns on their way from my sweet Aunt. It's time.

One of the biggest things holding me back from starting a quilt is my overwhelmingly large and unorganized scrap pile. Actually, it could probably be more accurately described as a scrap heap. The basket above is only half of it. Sounds like an intern job to me. Wait, I don't have one. Hmph.

While I'm introducing embarrassing parts of my sewing room, meet my serger. We are not friends. Yet. Conquering this machine is a carryover from last year's resolutions. But I'm determined to learn this year, or else! Technically this guy is only on loan and if I don't learn soon, I'm afraid the owner will snatch it back. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is.

Screen Time
My doily tote was the first Dear Edna item to get attention and it continues to be my best seller through the wedding season, but after two years, it's due time I try out some new designs. My ultimate dream is to print my own textiles and there's no way I'm going to get there without getting my hands deep in emulsion. That sounds kind of dirty. It is... but not in the way you're thinking.

Office Space
This was on my list last year and I'm proud to say it was the first I crossed off; however, after the initial set up, I dragged my feet on the details and never finished the job. I still need better overhead lighting, curtains, and storage for my paint supplies. It seems so simple, and yet it's not done. Speaking of renovations, Mikey J and I are also planning to gut our entire kitchen this Spring. I may as well set up a tent at Ikea now.

For all the stress and nervousness, I really did enjoy participating in my first craft show this year, the Beehive Summer Craft Fair. I was hoping I'd get to be a part of a Christmas show too, but ended up getting far too busy filling online orders. I'd like to make it a goal to participate in at least two craft fairs in 2012. That doesn't seem like too much to ask. We'll see if that opinion changes when July rolls around.

Dot Com
There's nothing wrong with getting started with an Etsy shop and a blogger account, but after two years, I found myself fantasizing about seeing on my business cards. I don't know if you noticed, but thanks to my live-in IT guy, that dream was realized this week! This blog can now be found at! Boom. This is phase one of a three-phase grand master plan that will take over the world. ... Haha! Just checking if you're still listening.  Really, it will hopefully eventually result in a professional, polished website, complete with an online shop all my own.

I have a few more really exciting things up my sleeves for this year, but because I'm pretty superstitious about jinxes, I'm going to have to stay tight-lipped about those for now. All I can say is 2012 is going to be big —a game-changer — I can feel it. I hope you'll come along for the ride and cheer me on! Woo!

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