Shop Update: New Aprons

Like it or not, the crisp Fall air has arrived, which means it's time to pack away the barbecue and spend some quality time with your kitchen again. And it just so happens that my two newest aprons are perfect for the pumpkin-picking season!

I had such a great response to the red Christmas apron with the peter pan collar that I designed last year, so I decided to make a couple more that can be used year round. Plus, check out those unique prints. So pretty!

Both are available for purchase in my Etsy shop today.

I've also started photographing and listing some reversible aprons. I hesitate to call them "new", as they've been made for quite some time and I've brought them along to various craft shows, but they have never made it online... until now. Also, in case you haven't noticed, all reversible aprons in the shop are $10 off regular price. Happy shopping!

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