Until October

My bag is packed and I'm ready to go. In a few hours I'll be jetting off on another epic European adventure with Mikey J! We're heading to the land of schnizel and beer this time — Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Croatia — and we're taking a whole month to do it. I told you it was epic!

I've decided to make a somewhat risky move and keep my Etsy shop open. I just don't like the idea of being off the radar for that long. Any orders placed while I'm away will not ship until October 1st. I've plastered this info all over my shop, so hopefully the message gets across. You've been warned.

Thanks to modern technology, I'll try to keep you posted on what we're up to via twitter, facebook and instagram. But if not, just assume I'm enjoying being unplugged, ok? I look forward to meeting back here in October with loads of pictures, stories and pounds to share.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Image via JumpOffThePage

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