Hello Summer

I know we're still a month away from official summer, but it was sure hard to deny it's arrival this past weekend. It was a long weekend here in Canada and we couldn't have asked for a better one in terms of weather. Sunny and hot hot hot all three days! We took complete advantage of both the weather and our blissfully free schedule at home in the garden. How times have changed.

Can you believe it? We certainly got a head start on all of our vegetables this Spring thanks to the early warm temps. I may turn into a rabbit. Let me know if you notice my nose start to twitch.

Mikey J has a green thumb when it comes to the veggies, but the flowers are my domain. I think I picked a little more wisely this year, choosing only sun-loving dahlias, petunias and zinnia. My pride and joy, though, is our new peony bush. You'll be sure to hear about it when that baby blooms.

Here's our first teeny tiny field strawberry of the year. They taste like Kool-aid. Serious.
 Aaand... our new LEMON TREE! We've been talking about getting a lemon tree ever since we saw one in our travels through France and now we finally have one to call our own. I'm already thinking ahead to fresh lemonade... in the winter! Yeah!

Contrary to how it may look, the whole weekend wasn't spent in the dirt. I got quite a bit of sewing done too -- that's 6 totes and 3 aprons you're looking at there. There was also a heavy dose of relaxation mixed in, book in one hand and cocktail in the other. It just doesn't get any better than that.

By Monday evening, we both agreed that it felt like we had gone away on vacation. And yet we got so much done! I imagine this is what that magical work/life balance feels like. If only we had three days off every week, huh?

What did you get up to this weekend?

1 comment

Susie said...

Its apparently been far too long since I last checked in on your blog! I love this post. I love the how well your gardening is doing! I wish I had that patio space and direct sun light all day!!!