Birthday Bumps

Dear Edna turns TWO today! Can you believe it? My baby has survived another year and what a year it was! If the first year was all about testing the waters and facing a lot of scary firsts, the second year was about getting comfortable standing on two feet and growing like a weed. One day she's going to be all grown up.

I can keep up this baby analogy all day, be the proud mama pulling out the photo album and bragging about each tiny step, but to tell you the truth, it's not all about me. Dear Edna wouldn't exist at all without all of your support. There's no such thing as a business without customers, and I'm convinced I have the absolute best! Thank you so much!

So... how should we celebrate? Did I hear you say, S-A-L-E?! As you've probably noticed, I don't do sales very often, but it seems like the least I can do for all of your generosity over the last two years. Going with the theme of two, I'm offering everything in my Etsy shop at 20% off for two days!!! Just enter the code HAPPYBDAY when checking out. Sale ends at noon on Friday, March 23rd and can't be combined with any other discounts. Happy shopping!

Now I'm off to treat myself to a special birthday lunch, most likely on a patio. The weather has been so unbelievably gorgeous in these parts. Life is good!

E xo

1 comment

EM said...

Happy Birthday! Congratulations on your success. Enjoy your day!